Mowing claws is one of the important procedures for caring for a cat!

Mowing claws is one of the important procedures for caring for a cat! Caring for pets.


Mowing claws is one of the important procedures for caring for a cat! I think in every apartment where there is a cat, there is a scratching pad (we do not want anything to hurt furniture or wallpaper?). But not all cats willingly use it, or use less often than necessary. Therefore, to protect yourself, furniture and other objects at home, it is better to cut the claws! Do this every 2 weeks on the front paws and once in 1month on the back Mowing the claws should not cause unpleasant sensations in the animal! We cut our claws from early on, so older cats usually have no problems with this procedure.

How to do it correctly?

Choose the time when the kitten played enough, ate, tired, and it pulls to sleep.
During this period, he is least likely to resist. In the process of cutting the claws, talk in a calm voice.
Choose a well-lit and comfortable place.
Use a special scissors for claws! There are different types of claws, choose the one that suits you.
In case of cut, prepare hydrogen peroxide.
In order for the claw to appear, you need to put a little pressure on the cushion and you will see a clipped edge of the claw and pink fabric.
At a distance of 1-2 mm to the pink fabric, trim the claw.
In fact, nothing complicated! For the first time scary, yes, but then the procedure takes a few minutes! For your convenience, we recorded video procedures and showed types of claws

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